My Love is an Empire


The Cat in the Lap

On his lap lay a cat. Schrödinger's cat. How did he get a hold of her? Isn't that illegal? Did he steal her? How does she feel about it? How does Schrödinger feel about it?

The Movie Screen

"It's gonna be a Wasteland." It's the first line of a Chelsea Wolfe song off her 2012 album Apocalypsis. Half the time you can't understand anything she's saying, but the music is so beautiful... I don't care so much. Besides, she posts her lyrics on her website. So that's cool.

"It's Friedrick's Little Forest."


It just shows to go ya' that even a holy man can have anger problems when he gets pushed over the edge. Moses...

  1. Smashed the Stone Tablets.
  2. Ground the Golden Calf
  3. Beat the crap out of a boulder. (God didn't like that)